Brain Tumor Support Group
3276 McNutt Avenue
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Contact: Judy Blazin at (925) 933-0107 for more information
This support group is for individuals with brain injury and their caregivers, who meet regularly to support each other by discussing common problems affecting them in their everyday life.
Head Injury Support Group
7777 Norris Canyon
San Ramon, CA 94583
Contact: JoAnn Swift at (925) 443-4366 for more information.
This support group is for individuals with brain injury and their caregivers, who meet regularly to support each other by discussing common problems affecting them in their everyday life.
New Lift Support Group
981 N. Broadway
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Phone: (925) 947-4466
This support group is for individuals with brain injury and their caregivers, who meet regularly to support each other by discussing common problems affecting them in their everyday life.
Stroke Support Group of Contra Costa
Phone: (925) 689-2464
Contact: Ernette at
This support group is for individuals with brain injury and their caregivers, who meet regularly to support each other by discussing common problems affecting them in their everyday life.